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Car Windshield State Laws By State

Car Windshield State Laws By State

Are you eligible for free windshield replacement by law in your state? Is it legal to drive around with broken auto glass or will you get a ticket if it isn't repaired, find out here.

We are an auto glass company, however if you are fighting a large lawsuit regarding glass in Florida, try Katz Law. If you need auto glass repair or windshield replacement services give us a call at (941) 840-1944.

Broken Windshield

Alabama has no legal specifications dictating where a windshield repair may take place or whether or not insurance companies must pay for windshield repairs in full.

Individual insurance companies offer insurance policies that may or may not affect where a repair can happen and may or may not offer plans with comprehensive coverage. However, Alabama glass laws require parts to be like in kind, quality, and value.

Laws dictate that you cannot drive a vehicle with a cracked windshield that restricts your vision, a windshield must be free of damage in an area above the steering wheel and out to 1 inch from each edge. If you have damage that’s likely to impede your vision when driving, you need to get the windshield replaced or risk getting a ticket.

Consumer has right to choose repair company, & aftermarket parts are allowed with written notice and at least equal fit, performance, & warranty.

Comprehensive car insurance pays for repairs for damage caused by many types of events including: collision with animals, weather damage, theft, & objects like rocks striking your windshield.

A standard deductible is $500 unless you have full glass coverage. Arkansas permits the use of aftermarket windshields, and you can choose your own auto glass company. The law states you can be ticketed if the crack obstructs the drivers vision, so get your auto glass repair services done pronto.

California allows the use of aftermarket glass, however the auto glass company must notify you in writing, use high quality materials that fit your vehicle properly, and use materials of equal performance & warranty.

Your glass coverage will dictate how much you pay for windshield replacement, again the standard deductible is $500. You can get a ticket for driving with windshield damage in California, and you must repair the damage within 48 hours.

Colorado has no specific laws that say you cannot drive with a broken windshield, but no driver can operate a vehicle if they have an obstructed view, which means that if a crack or chip is directly in front of your field of vision. There are also no legal restrictions that state that glass replacement companies cannot use aftermarket or used glass.

Insurance companies may offer full glass coverage, however they are not obligated to do so, the standard deductible will be $500.

Connecticut has full coverage options including no deductible for windshield replacement. You can choose your auto glass repair vendor, but you might have to pay the difference in cost if they only cover a certain amount.

Vendors can use both aftermarket and recycled parts, but must notify you in writing, use materials of equal performance, fit, & warranty. Like most states Connecticut does not allow drivers to drive with obstructed view meaning if you're worried about getting ticketed, get it fixed.

In Delaware, it’s only illegal to drive with windshield damage if it obstructs the view of the driver. Your insurance company can offer you $0 deductible options for cracked windshield coverage but are not obligated by law.

Your insurance provider may recommend or require the use of a specific auto glass company. If your insurance recommends a company odds are they are not the best auto glass company but rather one they have partnered with for a discount meaning cheaper glass.

Per Florida Statute 627.7288 there is no deductible for glass if you have comprehensive insurance. Insurance companies can use aftermarket parts with equal fit, performance, & warranty. Also you can choose your own vendor like Team Auto Glass.

The Florida government says that slight windshield damages are okay in some situations. Laws require that the center of your windshield have no discoloration or problems apart from a single crack.

In Georgia, aftermarket parts are allowed, if they are listed on the estimate and the guarantee is also on the estimate. You can pay the difference for OEM glass if you'd prefer it, read our guide before paying the difference.

You can choose what vendor you want to use for auto glass repair & replacement services, but may have to pay the difference if the company charges more than the insurance is willing to pay. Georgia law does not mandate insurance companies to provide full coverage glass insurance.

Like most states, Idaho companies can use aftermarket or even crashed car glass as long as it is in writing plus has equal fit, performance, & warranty. It is illegal to drive with any windshield damage other than a minor chip in Idaho. It is not required by the state for insurers to offer a $0 deductible auto glass coverage option.

If your policy says that you can choose your own repair company, then you are free to do so. Otherwise you must use their vendor, sorry.

In Illinois, auto glass companies can use aftermarket car glass as long as it is in writing plus has equal fit, performance, & warranty. Customers can opt for OEM glass but must pay the difference, refer to our guide before choosing this option. Full glass coverage is not mandated by Illinois but is available.

Illinois, laws prevent drivers from getting behind the wheel if windshield damage blocks or impairs their vision. Also, Illinois law empowers customers to choose their own auto glass company even if the insurer recommends one.

Vehicles under 5 years of age can opt to use OEM or aftermarket glass as long as it is in writing, and has equal fit, performance, & warranty. There is no Indiana auto glass law requiring $0 deductible, however the option is available to drivers.

Indiana state law does not give drivers the right to choose the glass replacement company they want to work with, apologies. Unfortunately your insurance company decides who you work with if you want them to pay.

You can choose OEM and pay the difference. Is OEM better than aftermarket glass? In Iowa, it’s only illegal to drive with windshield damage if it obstructs the view of the driver. Iowa does not require a $0 deductible, and some motorists may actually have a higher deductible than the cost of the glass!

Iowa law permits the use of used or aftermarket crash glass in most areas of the vehicle. However, it specifically forbids this type of glass to be used on a windshield. You can choose your auto glass company.

Kansas car insurance companies choose which auto glass company you use and what type of glass is used if they are paying for it. Kansas does not mandate car insurance companies to offer a zero-deductible option for windshield glass replacement services.

The deductible is often higher than the full replacement of auto glass, therefore it may be a better option to shop around and find a company to do your auto glass repair and replacements out of pocket.

The Kentucky auto glass law is that if you have comprehensive coverage, policyholders do not have to pay out of pocket for a windshield replacement. Kentucky is one of the only states where an insurance company cannot ask for a deductible for auto glass repair or replacement services.

You can refuse aftermarket glass but will have to pay the difference. You can choose your own auto glass company for repair and replacement services. It is illegal to drive with obstructed vision due to cracked glass.

The maximum deductible in Louisiana is $250. This means auto glass repair is quite affordable using insurance. Due to the affordability it is illegal to drive with a damaged windshield a ticket costs between $100-$150. If you only have minimum insurance, you can’t file a windshield claim.

You can choose which auto glass company you would like to use, and OEM glass can be requested as long as you know you'll be paying the difference. Get your glass fixed before you get a ticket, that's our advice.

In Maine, you may use the auto glass repair shop of your choice but may have to pay the difference. Your insurance will likely only pay for used or aftermarket replacement glass and you'll need to pay the difference for OEM glass if you prefer it. Our guide on the difference between OEM & Aftermarket Glass can be found here.

It is illegal to drive with a damaged windshield if the damage is one inch or larger and obstructs the driver's view.

In Maryland, aftermarket parts may be used if written in writing, the performance, fit, and warranty are equal or greater value. A lot of insurance companies in Maryland provide a zero-deductible for auto glass.

In certain situations, you may be required to use the insurance companies preferred vendor for auto glass repair. The standard deductible is $500, but depending on where you look, you could get a replacement for much cheaper, our advice is to shop around before picking an auto glass company.

In Maine, you may use the auto glass repair shop of your choice but may have to pay the difference. Your insurance will likely only pay for used or aftermarket replacement glass and you'll need to pay the difference for OEM glass if you prefer it. Our guide on the difference between OEM & Aftermarket Glass can be found here.

It is illegal to drive with a damaged windshield if the damage is one inch or larger and obstructs the driver's view.

In Michigan, If you are planning to use insurance to cover your windshield replacement there are a lot of restrictions. You cannot choose your own auto glass repair shop, unless you're willing to pay the difference. Aftermarket parts must be in writing but not necessarily same quality.

It is illegal to drive with a cracked windshield if it obstructs the drivers vision, and there is no mandate for $0 deductible for auto glass claims which is odd given they have some of the highest premiums in the United States.

In Minnesota, insurance companies are required to offer optional full glass replacement coverage. Aftermarket glass is permitted for windshields only, and must be in writing if used.

You will have to pay the difference if you choose your own auto glass repair company. Note, insurance companies will give you recommendations to vendors to save money. If you're looking at the best auto glass replacement services, choosing your own vendor may be the best option.

In Mississippi, it's only illegal to drive with a damaged windshield if a drivers is obstructed. Mississippi has no particular laws on glass repairs other than the parts that are allowed for usage. Insurance companies do not have to pay for windshield repairs because there is no zero-deductible glass law.

You can use aftermarket glass as long as it is in writing for the estimated repair costs. You can also choose your own auto glass repair vendor, meaning you can shop around for the best price.

In Missouri, companies can use aftermarket or even crashed car glass as long as it is in writing plus has equal fit, performance, & warranty. Windshield repair and replacement is generally covered by comprehensive insurance. However, there are some restrictions.

You may not be able to choose your own auto glass company, Insurance companies get to choose the glass you get, and they do not have to be the same quality as OEM glass but they must include features like coatings.

In Montana, Insurers do not require the use of a specific repair shop. You can use aftermarket auto glass. It's only illegal to drive with windshield damage if it obstructs the view of the driver.

Montana drivers can opt to having a zero-deductible policy, but without this type of insurance you'll have a deductible. The standard deductible is $500, meaning you may be able to get your auto glass replaced for cheaper by not using insurance pending on the year, make, and model of course.

In Nebraska, companies can use aftermarket glass as long as it is in writing plus has equal fit, performance, & warranty. Insurance companies can require the use of a specific auto glass repair shop.

The average cost for full auto glass coverage in Nebraska is only $18 a month. This includes a zero-deductible in the event that you need a windshield replacement. That means for $216 a year you can save vs a potential $500+ windshield replacement. It's illegal to drive with obstructed vision.

In New Hampshire, companies can use aftermarket glass as long as it is in writing plus has equal fit, performance, & warranty. You can choose your own auto glass repair company.

You can choose OEM parts for your vehicle, if it is less than 2 years old and 30K miles. As usual, the New Hampshire auto glass law is that if you are caught driving with glass that is obstructing the drivers vision you will recieve a citation and be subject to a fine.

In New Jersey, cracked or chipped windshield should be replaced or will be subject to a citation or fine. In addition, Replacement windshield glass must be of the same kind and quality, and any repairs should restore vehicle to its original state. No sign, poster, or other non-transparent material allowed on windshield other than stickers required by law. Violating New Jersey laws about driving with obstructed view can result in a fine up to $100.

You can choose your own auto glass shop, and use aftermarket glass.

New York laws prohibit driving with windshields which have cracks, chips, discoloration or other defects that impair driver’s view of the road. Choose your own auto glass repair shop, zero-deductibles are not state mandated.

Some companies may offer incentives like movie tickets to encourage repairs, this is allowed as long as the vendor is referring you to random companies, not just one specific glass repair shop. Otherwise they're in violation of Law § 2324 (McKinney 1985).

In North Carolina, laws prohibit driving vehicles when driver’s view of the road is obstructed, no stickers or other objects may be attached to car windshields which prevent clear view of the road either.

Aftermarket glass must be of the same fit, warranty, & quality, any repairs should restore vehicle's glass to its original state.You may choose your own auto glass repair shop, and zero-deductible auto glass policies are available. Comprehensive should pay for windshield repair or replacement.

In North Dakota, laws prohibit driving vehicles where driver’s view of the road is obstructed. No stickers or other objects may be attached to car windshields which prevent clear view of the road either.

Aftermarket glass must be of the same fit, warranty, & quality, any repairs should restore vehicle's glass to its original state. Insurance companies may recommend an auto glass company, you can choose what company you'd like to do your repairs, OEM is available but you pay the difference.

In Ohio, laws prohibit driving vehicles where driver’s view of the road is obstructed. No stickers or other objects may be attached to car windshields which prevent clear view of the road either.

Aftermarket glass must be of the same fit, warranty, and performance. You can choose which auto glass company you would like to work with. You can request OEM parts if you pay the difference, or you can prove that the aftermarket parts are inferior.

In Oklahoma, insurance companies may require you to work with a specific auto glass repair shop in order for them to pay for it. The use of aftermarket and crash parts are allowed if mentioned on the estimate.

It is illegal to drive with a cracked windshield while driving vehicles where driver’s view of the road is obstructed. Any cracks or damage greater than three inches in diameter are not allowed and will be subject to a citation or fine. Zero-deductible glass coverage options are available not mandated.

In Oregon, insurers do not get to dictate your choice in auto glass repair shop, meaning you can shop for the best quote. Minimum insurance will not cover glass damage. However, zero deductible options are available.

If caught with a cracked windshield that obstructs the drivers view, a citation of $110, if you have the wrong colored window tint, your wipers don't work, and a cracked windshield it will go up to $330. Since the average cost of repairs is $170-$1,110 it's not worth going a prolonged time without a fix.

In Pennsylvania, you can choose what auto glass company you would like to work with. Pennsylvania does not require insurance companies to replace windshields without a deductible.

Insurance companies either don't cover windshield replacement, or do so with a high deductible. The insurance company can opt for used or aftermarket auto glass because Pennsylvania auto glass laws do not have any statutes stating they must use OEM glass.

Rhode Island law prohibits driving with a damaged windshield. The average fine for driving with a damaged windshield is $125. Pending on make, model, and year of your vehicle it costs between $170-$820 to replace a windshield.

Minimum coverage doesn't include auto glass coverage. Repairs often come with a $0 deductible, but you might have to pay one if the windshield needs to be replaced. You can choose what auto glass shop you'd like to work with. Aftermarket parts are allowed if written in the estimate.

In South Carolina, insurers will pay no matter what auto glass repair company you choose. Aftermarket parts are allowed as long as it is mentioned in the estimate and the quality, warranty, and fit are equal or greater than the original glass.

Cracked windshield laws in South Carolina prohibit driving vehicles where driver’s view of the road is obstructed and signs, posters and non-transparent materials on the windshield are not allowed.

South Dakota laws prohibit driving with any cracks, chips or other damage on the windshield or any other window. You can choose your own auto glass vendor, and should read the estimate to make sure they get the type of glass they would like. Aftermarket is allowed if written on the estimate.

South Dakota has zero-deductible options available but most customers will need to pay a deductible for auto glass replacement. South Dakota prohibits driving vehicles where driver’s view of the road is obstructed.

Tennessee does not have any laws preventing you from choosing your own auto glass repair shop. Nor do they have any laws preventing the use of OEM vs Aftermarket glass.

Zero-deductible options are available, but most drivers will have to pay a deductible for auto glass replacement services. Driving with a cracked windshield in Tennessee is illegal if it obstructs the driver's view, you will be subject to a citation and fine if caught.

In Texas, If you have comprehensive coverage with an optional zero deductible, you can replace your windshield at no cost. Driving with a cracked windshield in Texas is illegal if it obstructs the driver's view, you will be subject to a citation and fine if caught.

There are no restrictions on which auto glass company you use, and aftermarket glass can be used if the quality, warranty, and fit are equal or greater than the quality of the OEM glass.

Utah is not a zero deductible windshield replacement state. Your insurance will cover your cracked windshield if you have auto glass coverage as part of your policy. Auto insurance companies in Utah can use either original or aftermarket parts to repair damages but the insurance company must inform you of what parts they are using.

You can choose to use an auto glass repair company, we recommend Team Auto Glass for Utah Windshield Replacement Services however, it's up to you.

In Vermont, you have the right to decide who does your auto glass repairs. Insurance companies have the right to use aftermarket glass as long as it has the same quality, fit, and warranty as OEM glass and is written in the estimate provided.

Cracked windshield laws in Vermont prohibit driving vehicles where driver’s view of the road is obstructed, and star cracks of 2 inches or larger may not be in front of the driver.

Virginia has detailed restrictions on the size and type of cracks allowed on windshields; Scratches greater than 6 inches by ¼ are not permitted in area cleared by windshield wipers. Any cracks larger than 1 by ½ inches in diameter may not be above bottom three inches of the windshield. Multiple cracks from the same area where any is greater than 1 to ½ inches long are not permitted. You choose your auto glass company, and aftermarket is allowed if the quality, fit, and warranty, are the same as OEM glass.

In Washington, vehicle owners can pick their glass repair company if they assume responsibility for any difference in cost. It is illegal to drive with a cracked windshield that obstructs the driver's view. The average deductible for auto glass in Washington is $500.

Washington does not require insurance companies to offer zero-deductible full glass coverage, and they can use aftermarket or used windshields, unless the client provides their own glass.

In West Virginia, there are restrictions for aftermarket glass. For cars less than 3 years old, insurers must use OEM replacement parts unless the consumer agrees in writing. The customer can choose their own auto glass repair company and driving with an obstructed view is illegal.

Cracks or other defects or damage is not permitted in 8-1/2 by 11 inch area directly in front of the driver. Cracks and other defects or damage larger than 1.5 inches is not permitted in area swiped by windshield wipers

Wisconsin laws have detailed restrictions on the size and type of cracks allowed on windshields: Cracks in or extending directly in driver’s line of sight are not permitted unless less than half an inch in diameter & cracks may not extend more than eight inches from top edge of the windshield.

You can choose which auto glass repair shop you'd like to work with but you must pay the difference, and driving with an obstructed view is strictly prohibited. You can also insist on OEM but must pay the difference.

Driving with obstructed vision is illegal in Wyoming, but there are no laws that mention windshield cracks. With that said as long as you don't have obstructed vision driving with a cracked windshield in Wyoming is 100% legal.

Glass coverage is completely optional, glass repair might be covered on your comprehensive policy in certain cases. No sign, poster, or other non-transparent material allowed on windshield unless required by law, and cracks that prevent windshield wipers from working correctly is illegal.

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If you found this article helpful or just want more information on auto glass replacement using insurance, give us a call. A member of our team would be happy to discuss your options with you.

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